Saturday, September 20, 2014

Daily-ish Cat Cartoon and Mini Habits

I was going through email today and came across an interesting question about willpower and procrastination from a Quora user. (Click on the link to get the original question.) One of the answers was unusual and made perfect sense to me. It was by Stephen Guise and he suggested "Mini Habits". 

Instead of trying to whip yourself into feeling motivated to do something, which is often not successful, try doing something miniscule, like one push up a day, toward your goal of getting in shape. Because it is such a small step,

you will be inclined to do it. Consistently. And that is the basis of successful completion of goals.

And so . . .I have made a very short list of mini habits to cultivate for MYSELF. One of these is doing a cartoon sketch daily. Actually putting pencil or pen to paper is important to me. It "feels" good for one thing, but it also takes me away from the computer where there is always artwork to upload and products to create for my shops and then promoting and the business side of being and artist. The simple fun of drawing cats and something that can make people smile makes me incredibly happy! 

This is day one of "Mikki and Lulu". 

The Mini Habits book is here: 

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